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vexation gratifying
烦恼 令人满足的 【词性不符  detail>>
 n.  1.苦恼,懊恼;烦恼;着急;生气。 2.苦恼[烦恼]的原因;使人生气的事情。  短语和例子   Mu...  detail>>
 adj.  可喜的,令人满足的。 gratifying results 可喜的成绩。  adv.  -ly   detail>>
vexation and insomnia
心烦不寐  detail>>
vexation and irritability
心烦易怒  detail>>
gratifying achievements
可喜的成就  detail>>
gratifying progress
可喜进展  detail>>
gratifying success
可喜成绩  detail>>
gratifying; satisfactory
可意  detail>>
the situation is gratifying
形势喜人  detail>>
hectic fever and vexation
潮热心烦  detail>>
insomnia due to vexation
虚烦不得眠  detail>>
pent up vexation
郁积在心里的烦恼  detail>>
achieve gratifying successes
取得可喜的成果  detail>>
gratifying results have been achieved
取得令人欣慰的成果  detail>>